Saturday, October 2, 2010

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Zombie Hell

Hello Everyone i am in the process of making a map called Zombie hell its gonna be a map with zombies and guns who doesn't love that stuff anyways here are some pics and videos on it. in the map is HDR (High Definition Resolution i think is what it stands for) i only get one hour a day on my pc so it will take me longer than it would during the summer

Progress 35% done

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My First map

im making my first map for garrysmod so me and my friends can have a fort war

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hey everyone right now it is 7:57 as I'm writing this and i have finished my first map in hammer editor i will be in proving my skills tonight after i upload this video ill be learning how to put water, buttons, and windows in my maps next so far everything is easy i really enjoy doing this kind of stuff.

Hello to all my friends

Im going to be learning the hammer editor for source games (half life, css, etc) ill be uploading pics and telling you about my progress and what ive learned so far i will be making a test map after learning to test the things ive learned from tutorials and stuff like that well wish me luck.